Tag: Sunday

Steam Rising on Lake Michigan & Frosted Fingers

Here is a phenomenon I don’t see too often in Chicago. Can you see the steam rising from the surface of Lake Michigan? This translates into one word: COLD!

When I took these photos this morning, the temperature was a balmy -8F, or -22C! As someone who lived in one of the coldest cities in North America for many years (Here’s looking at you, Winnipeg!), you’d think I would find this weather a breeze! LOL

Can you see the steam? In the first photo, you can see it on the lake’s surface and above. In the second photo, it is more apparent in the row of clouds.

However, it is not typical for Chicago, and I’m afraid I broke one of my cold-weather cardinal rules: do not remove your gloves when they are this cold! This is so true, especially when standing at Lake Michigan with the wind blowing towards you (making the temps feel much colder than even in these icy circumstances).

Yes, I wanted to get some very COOL (pun and well, no pun) photos this morning. I took off my gloves to take the images, and within 30 seconds, my hands began to hurt. Not a wee tingling, but full-on pain.

As fast as I could, I put my gloves back on and realized my “practice what you preach” internal speech was loudly poking at my frozen fingers.

Once I reached home, I slowly warmed up my hands with a towel. The tips of my fingers are still red after four hours, but I don’t have frostbite, thank goodness.

So, please heed what I didn’t do, and keep those gloves on if you find yourself in the frost zone!



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