Tag: set design

Rare Look on the Lot of 20th Century Fox Studios: Part 2

Several weeks ago I wrote a post about the trip I won to Los Angeles and the amazing tour of 20th Century Fox Studios that was included in the prize: A Rare Look on the Lot of 20th Century Fox Studios Here is “Part 2” of the surreal tour!

The above photo looks like an older big city (perhaps with the exception of the truck). With its walk-up features, gone-by fire escape, and street light that hasn’t been seen for decades, you would think that someone from the early part of the previous century was about to walk by. This was the most incredible movie/television set that looked so real to me. That is, until you see what is literally behind the scenes:

Behold, the back of the buildings! Talk about a rude awakening! It’s movie magic at its best! Everything you see in the above photo is behind a few of the buildings from the previous picture! Isn’t that cool?

Have you heard of the series, “L.A. to Vegas?”

[photo courtesy https://www.commonsensemedia.org%5D

We were allowed to go onto the set and snap some pics:

I haven’t seen the show, but it was fun to be on the plane where some of the scenes are filmed. If you google the show, there are some clips from it showing passengers on the plane. It certainly looks as if they are in mid-flight, and yet this set was in a big ‘warehouse’ type of building. Believe it or not, this was actually ‘part’ of a real plane!

I’ve always loved the costumes in movies and television, especially when they are part of iconic shows. We were allowed onto the costume floor and I must tell you it was an incredible feeling. I say this because it had more to do with the ‘ordinary look’ of it, as opposed to something that was in a museum, for example. In other words, a ‘working studio’ where the amazingly talented costume designers work their illusions!

This rack of clothing and accessories was literally sitting out in a hallway; for some reason, I snapped a picture of it. It wasn’t until later that I googled the name you see on this cart: “Debra McGuire”. It turns out that Debra McGuire is a very well-known and accomplished costume designer:


Debra McGuire is most noted for her costume designs on the long-running show, “Friends”. I could have very well walked right past her and not known it.

Now, this same costume floor did have a small room of outfits on display; I wish I had more time to take lots of pictures, but we were whisked rather quickly through this area. I did manage to take a few pics (please forgive the light glares):

Ah, bless; the late Robin Williams was such a genius, wasn’t he? Here is a picture of the sweater and glasses he wore in the movie, “Mrs. Doubtfire”.

What a lovely costume Kate Winslet wore in, “Titanic”.

Did you happen to see the movie, “The Martian”, starring Matt Damon?

[courtesy: https://www.rollingstone.com/%5D

Here is the costume he wore in the movie:

What was interesting about this costume (as told to us by our guide) was that the movie industry has what is known as the ‘3-foot rule’. If the costume is going to be filmed from 3-feet away (or closer), every single detail on the costume must be perfect. In other words, with this space suit, every label, sizing, and feature must be authentic looking.

I will be doing another post soon with some more 20th Century Fox Studio pics! Please stay tuned!

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