Tag: rude people

Sunday Serenity: Kindness & a Lesson from a Door

[courtesy: medium.com]

We hear about kindness a lot. It’s important.

I find that so many people either take it for granted or don’t find value in it.

Were you a bit surprised at what I just wrote? I certainly wouldn’t blame you if you were. Since I can remember, kindness has always been at the forefront of how I view the world, or rather, how I wish to see the world.

At some junction, kindness appears to have taken second fiddle for those who see the world as a ‘what can I get’ as opposed to ‘how can I serve others’ mentality.

To me, this is so wrong. It literally makes no sense to me whatsoever. Sure we can come up with a million reasons why this has occurred over time. Whatever the reasons, I don’t subscribe to them.

Case in point: I was approaching the train station doors a few years ago (pre-pandemic). In my peripheral vision, I noticed that someone was right behind me. I held the door open for them but was gobsmacked to hear not an utterance of a thank you or even a resemblance of a smile.

Feeling angry about this rude person, I looked him straight in the eyes and said, “You’re welcome.”

His response was: “Just holding the door open doesn’t warrant a thank you.”

As I continued to make my way up to the train platform, this person had a need to add an extra bit of nonsense to his less-than-stellar interpersonal skills.

“I hope I didn’t ruin your day!” (said with words covered in sarcasm)

Turning again towards him, I said, “Oh, believe me, you sure didn’t!”

[courtesy: https://www.therandomvibez.com/%5D

But he did.

I let that rude guy’s words stay with me the entire day. I couldn’t shake it. However, I knew I had to get to the bottom of why it affected me so much.

It wasn’t until a couple of days later that I had an answer.

“Rude guy” showed up that day to remind me of WHY we need kindness in the world.

We need it because it matters.

We need it because a small act of kindness can make someone’s day.

We need it because it gives us hope when sometimes we otherwise feel hopeless.

We need it because it connects us with each other.

We need it because there is so much unkindness in the world.

We need it because it feels great to be kind.

And, we need it because it can change someone’s day/month/year/life.

I’m sending you tons of kindness because YOU MATTER!

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