Tag: Operation Yellow Ribbon

A Moment of Remembering

Canada and US Flags

[photo courtesy of tpepost.com]

On September 11th, 2001,  Canada began its, “Operation Yellow Ribbon”.  Approximately 33,000 passengers on 239 US-bound flights were rerouted to Canadian civilian and military airports.

Communities small and large opened their hearts, their arms, and in the literal sense, their cupboards, to feed and provide shelter to all travelers who found themselves in a surreal and frightening situation.

Remembering and forever keeping our thoughts and prayers strong as we unite as one.

Thank you, Canada.

Kelly's Quest

In search of spirituality

Jump off; Find Wings

"We continually have to be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." Kurt Vonnegut

The Spoken word

The Bible/and the constitution of the United States

Amazing World

Photography is magic

Wandering Canadians

Two Canadians exploring the world

Stephen G Hipperson

My photography and other stuff

Karla Sullivan

Progressive old soul wordsmith

History Made Seamless

The journey of a public school teacher who loves history


Poets Pub


Food, Road Trips & Notes from the Non-Profit Underground