Tag: horticulture

Friday File: A Bloomin’ Orchid!

I don’t consider myself someone who possesses a ‘green thumb’; then again, a miracle of sorts happened this week.  The above picture is that of my orchid plant.  I’ve had it for years.  About three years ago it bloomed so beautifully for about a month.  The petals would drop off, and a new ‘spike’ would appear, and the blooming would begin once again.

And then………………………………..nothing.  Not a petal, not an inkling of anything resembling a purple flower whatsoever.  That was until a week ago.  All of a sudden my orchid decided it was time to amp up the color and the tiny little buds appeared.  I absolutely love the flowers!  Purple is my favorite color, and these shades are spectacular.

Cool surprises can happen!  I hope your Friday is filled with lovely unexpected cool ‘blooms’!

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