Tag: feline

Monday Magic: Star Gazer Lily

I was walking by a house the other day when I spotted this beauty through a wrought iron fence.  Given the fact that I’d never go traipsing into another person’s yard, I quickly took this pic through the bars of the fence.  After getting the shot, I noticed a grey cat staring at me from the yard.  I don’t know why I always feel the need to respond whenever a ‘fur person’ is looking at me, but I do!

“What, can’t I take a picture of your Star Gazer Lily for free?” No response from the, “cat guard” on the other side of the iron bars. *grin*

I hope you have a fabulous Monday!


Kelly's Quest

In search of spirituality

Jump off; Find Wings

"We continually have to be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." Kurt Vonnegut

The Spoken word

The Bible/and the constitution of the United States

Amazing World

Photography is magic

Wandering Canadians

Two Canadians exploring the world

Stephen G Hipperson

My photography and other stuff

Karla Sullivan

Progressive old soul wordsmith

History Made Seamless

The journey of a public school teacher who loves history


Poets Pub


Food, Road Trips & Notes from the Non-Profit Underground