Tag: World Hello Day


World Hello Day

– picture courtesy of iggydonnelly.wordpress.com

Today, November 21st is, “World Hello Day”.  Before you think perhaps I’ve taken leave of my senses, I shall explain.

This special day began in 1973 (which, by the way, if you read yesterday’s post about the first cell phone, shares the same year with that invention; hhhmm, interesting) to note that conflict should be expressed through means of communication, as opposed to using force.  The idea is to say, “hello” to promote peace.

Hello 2

– photo courtesy of langology.org

I am sending you a huge, ‘HELLO FROM CHICAGO,’ and I hope wherever you are reading this today, you’ll please take a moment and simply say, “Hello” to someone.  Trust me, it will do you a WORLD of good!

Ed Mooney Photography

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