Tag: virtual


Snowglobe for Holiday Blog Party

Welcome to The Chicago Files Holiday Blog Party! I am so happy you are here!

Help yourself to virtual Christmas Tree-shaped pieces of Chicago deep dish pizza! The Eggnog and sparkling drinks are also here!  There are butter tarts (a Canadian favorite), Nanaimo Bars (another Canuck delight), sugar cookies, various cheeses, crackers, and lots more!

Oh, and now for a little hint about the surprises I mentioned in a pre-party post earlier this week!

We are going to have a few giveaways! Yes, not virtual, but real!  How would you like to win a little Chicago chocolate treat?  We’ll do this by random draw, so every link you post will be an entry into the draw.  I will be contacting the winners a day or two after the party.  Once the winners have responded, I’ll list the names of the winners in a post!

Please join in on this post!  Here are the details:

 1. Choose one of your favorite posts from your blog.  Whatever you’d like to share with the rest of us, whether it be about the holidays, travel, novels, food, personal adventures, blogging, photography, etc…………. You may share up to three of your posts during the party, but please post only one at a time.  It’s best to wait awhile before sharing your second and third posts, as it will give others enough time to join in the fun!

2. Paste the link to your post in the comment section of this post; please provide a brief description of the post. If you’d like to write something about yourself or describe your blog, we’d love it!

3. Have fun! Explore new blogs, comment on their posts, follow, reblog and share. Let other bloggers know that you met them here at The Chicago Files Holiday Blog Party!  Whether you are new to the blogging world or have been part of it for a while, this is a terrific opportunity for everyone to meet new and awesome bloggers (including them meeting you)!

Thank you so much for being part of our first Holiday Blog Party! Welcome!

Now, let’s get this party started, shall we?

Kelly's Quest

In search of spirituality

Jump off; Find Wings

"We continually have to be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." Kurt Vonnegut

The Spoken word

The Bible/and the constitution of the United States

Amazing World

Photography is magic

Wandering Canadians

Two Canadians exploring the world

Stephen G Hipperson

My photography and other stuff

Karla Sullivan

Progressive old soul wordsmith

History Made Seamless

The journey of a public school teacher who loves history


Poets Pub


Food, Road Trips & Notes from the Non-Profit Underground